
The Pearl of the Silk Road—Online Exhibition of Kucha Murals

May 18, 2022 - Wednesday



As a road for cultural integration and exchange between the East and West, the ancient Silk Road has contributed greatly to the common prosperity of mankind. Kucha(Qiuci), located in present day in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region,was an important passage of the ancient Silk Road. The ancient Kucha was one of famous Buddhist centers, where hundreds of grottoes were built. A total of 27 grottoes, over 800 caves and nearly 10,000 square meters of murals and painted clay sculptures are preserved in Kucha, reflecting the harmonious cultural exchanges along the Silk Road.

As part of the historical record of the ancient Silk Road, Kucha murals are known as “seas of stories” for their wonderful and abundant content. More than 100 Jataka tales and Nidana tales and 60 Buddhist stories have been found in Kucha. The grotto art site, with its abundant murals of great variety, is something rarely found anywhere in the world. Rhombic paintings at the roof of the grotto are a unique feature of Kucha murals. The exhibition will demonstrate the murals of Kucha, the pearl of the Silk Road, in four units, namely “Desert Relics”, “Magnificent Landscape”, “Glory of Humanity” and “Cultural Continuity”. The multicultural integration and collision will be displayed in a rhombic-themed online exhibition hall. The pursuit of truth, kindness and beauty of Kucha mural art will be displayed by stories of earnestness, sincerity, sacrifice, wisdom and virtue.

Diversified cultures grow from exchanges and the richness of art comes with mutual learning and understanding. With more than 2,000 years of exchanges, the peaceful and common development of countries with different races, religions and cultural backgrounds has been flourishing. At present, we should inherit the spiritual heritage of peace and cooperation, openness and inclusiveness, mutual learning and mutual benefit in implementation of the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road under the principles of extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits to achieve brilliant exchanges and communication in modern times.


Lion King Sacrifices Himself for Living Up to His Words


Lion King Sacrifices Himself for Living Up to His WordsKizil Grottoes (No. 38)

One day, a macaque went out for food and asked the lion king to look after her babies. Unfortunately, the two baby macaques were captured away by a hungry vulture when the lion king was dozing. To live up to his words, the king lion found the vulture and begged him to free the two babies. In the end, the lion exchanged his flesh for the safety of two baby macaques.




Dashi Ladles out the Sea Water to Regain the PearlsKizil Grottoes (No. 14)


King Shetouluo Jianning Turns into a Big Fish for People to EatKizil Grottoes (No. 17)


King Shetouluo Jianning Turns into a Big Fish for People to EatKizil Grottoes (No. 114)


King Shetouluo Jianning Turns into a Big Fish for People to EatKizil Grottoes (No. 178)

In a year of drought, King Shetouluo Jianning took out all the food from the national treasury for disaster relief. However, it was still insufficient, and the death toll continued to increase. Seeing this, the king swore to turn into a big fish to save his people. Then he dove into the river and turned into a big fish. Later, the fish was pigged out by people. Surprisingly, it turned over by itself when people ate up one side, and became another complete fish once people ate it up. Finally, all the people had enough food and survived in the year of famine.


Macaque King Sacrifices Himself for Saving His Fellow MonkeysKizil Grottoes (No. 17)

Once, the macaque king was living with many little macaques. In a year of drought, the macaques were suffering from hunger. They went to steal fruits from the king’s garden but were found. When escaping, they planned to cross the river by using a cane but the cane was too short. The macaque king had to use his body to bridge the gap and help his fellows cross the river. It was too hard for the macaque king to help all macaques cross the river. Finally, the macaque king fell into the river because of exhaustion and all his fellows were captured. The macaque king petitioned to sacrifice himself to feed the king and his ministers, provided his fellows could be freed. The king was so moved that he banned macaque hunting from then on.


Monkey King Tricked Water Demon with WisdomKizil Grottoes (No. 17)


Monkey King Tricked Water Demon with WisdomKizil Grottoes (No. 206)

Once upon a time, there lived a water demon in the lotus pond of the forest, who ate everything that came into the pond. The monkey king led his fellow monkeys down the mountain to look for water. To help his fellows drink water while not being eaten by the water demon, the monkey king came up with a solution at the spur of the moment. He asked little monkeys to find reed rods to make a long straw and inserted it into the pond to drink water. The little monkeys went home happily after drinking enough water.

Woodcutter Violates His Own CommitmentsKizil Grottoes (No. 17)


Woodcutter Violates His Own CommitmentsKizil Grottoes (No. 114)


Woodcutter Violates His Own CommitmentsKumtura Grottoes (No. 63)


Bear is Ate by Tiger for Saving Woodcutter Kizil Grottoes (No. 63)

A woodcutter took refuge in a cave during a storm, where a bear took him in. When the storm stopped, the woodcutter knelt down to thank the bear and promised not to disclose its residence. On his way back, the woodcutter met a hunter and ate his words for profits. The hunter killed the bear. When he shared the bear meat with the woodcutter, the woodcutter’s hands were immediately broken and fell to the ground. The woodcutter got his comeuppance for his treachery.


Sutasoma is in Good FaithKizil Grottoes (No. 17)


Srutasoma is in Good FaithKizil Grottoes (No. 38)



There was a lame king in Jambudvipa, who fed on human flesh. He decided to fete demons with 1,000 heads from kings of small states. He caught 999 kings before Srutasoma was captured. Srutasoma begged for seven days to fulfill his promise to give alms to mendicant Brahmin, and the king agreed. Srutasoma came back as scheduled after fulfilling his promise., In the end, under the influence and persuasion of Srutasoma, the king set all people under arrest free.



Hare Burns Itself for the Deity to EatKizil Grottoes (No. 14)


Hare Burns Itself for the Deity to EatKumtura Grottoes (No. 63)


Pigeon Burns Itself for the Deity to EatKizil Grottoes (No. 17)

1. Once upon a time, there was a deity in the mountain who practiced Buddhism. He got along well with a hare. In a year of drought, there was no food in the mountain, so the deity decided to stop his practice to find food downhill. The hare was unwilling to see that.- In the end, the hare collected wood and jumped into the fire to burn itself for the deity to eat. The God was moved by the hare and brought the mountain rain. Finally, all plants in the mountain were revitalized.

2. Once upon a time, there was a pigeon living in the snow mountain. One day, a group of people lost their way in the snowstorm and suffered from hunger and cold, on the verge of death. Seeing that, the pigeon took firewood and lit it to help them keep warm, and then resolutely jumped into the fire to burn itself for them to eat. Thanks to the pigeon, those people restored strength and walked out of the mountain.


Dashi Ladles out the Sea Water to Regain the PearlsKizil Grottoes (No. 17)


Dashi Ladles out the Sea Water to Regain the PearlsKizil Grottoes (No. 186)

There was a man called Dashi in Jambudvipa. He got three pearls from the Dragon Palace after overcoming untold hardships, in the hope of helping the poor. However, the Dragon King went back on his words and took them back. Dashi swore to ladle out the seawater to regain the pearls. The God, who was moved by his determination, made the sea regress for 120 li. Seeing this, the Dragon King hastily returned the pearls to Dashi. Finally, Dashi returned to Jambudvipa with the pearls to help the poor.



Macaque King Sacrifices Himself for Saving His Fellow Monkeys Kizil Grottoes (No. 38)

Once, the macaque king was living with many little macaques. In a year of drought, the macaques were suffering from hunger. They went to steal fruits from the king’s garden but were found. When escaping, they planned to cross the river by using a cane but the cane was too short. The macaque king had to use his body to bridge the gap and help his fellows cross the river. It was too hard for the macaque king to help all macaques cross the river. Finally, the macaque king fell into the river because of exhaustion and all his fellows were captured. The macaque king petitioned to sacrifice himself to feed the king and his ministers, provided his fellows could be freed. The king was so moved that he banned macaque hunting from then on.


Parrot Sacrifices Itself for Putting Out FireKizil Grottoes (No. 178)


Parrot Sacrifices Itself for Putting Out FireSimsim Grottoes (No. 30)



A fire struck a bamboo forest on the snowy mountain. When all the animals ran away, only a parrot dipped its wings to put out the fire. Moved by its action and determination, Śakra offered a heavy rain to extinguish the fire.


Elephant, Macaque, and Turtle Dove Line Up in Order of AgeKumtura Grottoes (No. 63)

Once, an elephant, a macaque and a turtle dove lived besides a big tree. Through communication, they learned that the turtle dove was the oldest, followed by the macaque and elephant. So they lined up in the order of age and respected and cared for each other. From then on, the elephant carried the macaque and the macaque held the turtle dove, living happily together.

Bodhisattva with Thirteen Incarnations, Kumtura Grottoes (digital HD reproduction)

The original mural is in the Kumtura Grottoes New Cave No.2. Thirteen trapezoidal banners are radiated from the lotus flower in the center at the ceiling, with an incarnation of the Bodhisattva on each banner. The thirteen incarnations of the Bodhisattva, in different gestures and costumes, stand on the lotus throne. These incarnations with graceful postures leave their upper bodies uncovered and wear pantskirts, with beaded crowns on their heads and accessories such as jade necklaces and armlets. As a great and delicate mural in the Kumtura Grottoes, it is outlined with fine vermilion lines and rendered with light ink, showing bright colors and beautiful lines.

《说法图》,克孜尔石窟第80窟,约公元7世纪,高155厘米,宽285厘米,袁廷鹤 临摹
Preaching Buddhism )Kumtura Grottoes (No.80) Around the 10th century155 cm high and 285 cm wideCopied work by Yuan Tinghe

Yuan Tinghe, male, born in 1937, a native of Sichuan. He is a national first-level artist who worked at Kizil Grottoes Research Institute in Xinjiang since 1990 and retired in 1998.


《菱格塔中坐佛》,库木吐喇石窟第58窟,约公元7世纪,高195厘米,宽199厘米 徐永明 临摹

Sitting Buddha in the Lingge Tower
Kumtura Grottoes (No.58)
Around the 7th century
195 cm high and 199 cm wide Copied work by Xu Yongming (1990)

Xu Yongming, male, born in 1962, a native of Hubei. He has worked at Kizil Grottoes Research Institute in Xinjiang since 1986. He serves as the director and associate researcher in museology of Kizil Grottoes Research Institute.


《天宫伎乐》,克孜尔石窟第27窟,约公元7世纪,高182.3厘米,宽142.2厘米 张爱红 临摹

Musical Performances in the Heavenly Palace Kizil Grottoes (No.27) Around the 7th century
182.3 cm high and 142.2cmwideCopied work by Zhang Aihong (1993)

Zhang Aihong, female, born in 1961, a native of Xinjiang. She worked at Kizil Grottoes Research Institute in Xinjiang from 1985 to 2001. In September 2001, she was transferred to the Fine Arts School of Xinjiang Arts University, worked as an associate professor and retired in June 2014.


《龟兹供养人》,克孜尔尕哈石窟第14窟, 约公元6世纪,高114.5厘米,宽170.5厘米 郭峰 临摹
Kucha DonorKizilgaha Grottoes (No.14)
Around the 6th century
114.5 cm high and 170.5 cm wide
Copied work by Guo Feng (2012)

Guo Feng, male, born in 1972, a native of Xinjiang. He is a national second-level artist who has worked at Kizil Grottoes Research Institute in Xinjiang since 1997.


《天相图》库木吐喇石窟,窟群区第23窟,高120厘米 ,宽198厘米 梁观忪 临摹
The Illustration to the Cluster of GalaxiesKizil Grottoes (No.118)
Around the 3rd century
177.2 cm high and 120.5 cm wide Copied work by Shen Chun (2016)

梁观忪,男,1988年出生,福建人。2013 年至今就职于新疆克孜尔石窟研究所,国家四级美术师。
Liang Guansong, male, born in 1988, a native of Fujian. He is a national fourth-level artist and has worked at Kizil Grottoes Research Institute in Xinjiang since 2013.



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