
Glory of Millennia Silk Road Photo Exhibition

July 29, 2024 - Monday

Silk Road is more than a road.

As a mysterious and charming time tunnel, it connects the history and culture of the East and the West, and tells the stories and legends of ancient times. Over thousands of years, the Silk Road has passed down the spirit of peace and cooperation, openness and inclusiveness, mutual learning, and mutual benefit and win-win results. Our ancestors traveled tirelessly in the desert and Gobi to deliver messages and cargos. They spread their sails high, day and night on the vast ocean. As pioneers of friendly exchanges with peoples from different nations in the ancient world, they left brilliant records on the exchange and mutual learning of world civilizations.

Today, under the Belt and Road Initiative, the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road resonate across eras. The beautiful cities along the Silk Road tell stories about prosperity and harmony.

The China Cultural Center in Malta invites you to travel through time and space in this photo exhibition,immerse yourself in the legendary charm of the Silk Road and experience the dazzling Chinese civilization.


Open the map and depart from Xi’an to start a great adventure all the way to the west. The Silk Road starts from the east, crosses the Eurasian continent and reaches as far as North Africa. The vast desert and Gobi, towering snow-capped mountains and glaciers, vast grasslands, and cities in the oases all contribute to a magnificent journey. While at the end of the land, another Silk Road rises from the sea, creating “common prosperity”. It is a long journey, but poetic and full of hope.


The long Silk Road records the popularity of silk, porcelain and tea in the West, and witnesses the exchange of civilizations brought about by Western travelers to the East. Business travelers came and went with camel bells ringing. The footsteps of civilization were left on this once bustling road with cultural relics and city sites. The Silk Road carries not only the trade of goods, but also the brilliant history of exchange and mutual learning of world civilizations through science, culture, faith and art.


Today, thousands of years later, the “past” finally meets the “future”. Integrating modernity, culture and natural beauty, the cities along the Silk Road are continuing the glory. Ancient capitals along the Silk Road are reborn with new looks and glowing with the beauty of the times. Combining the ancient and the modern, they have become new stations for cultural exchange under the Belt and Road Initiative and new bridges connecting the world.