The application for Chinese language courses is open now!
July 25, 2022 - Monday

We are launching our 2022-2023 Chinese Language Courses ranging from beginner to advanced levels. A total of 30 classes, each with a duration of 1.5 hours, will be held physically in the Centre from 11 October to 22 June.

Our qualified teachers form part of the Confucius Institute at The University of Malta and will incorporate Chinese culture into the language lessons. We are also thrilled to announce that 2 outstanding students will be recommended for the ‘Experience China – China Cultural Centre Students Award Tour’ organised by the Ministry for Culture and Tourism (subject to potential travelling restrictions that may be incurred in China).
Chinese Language Course fee: €130 plus a membership fee of €12 for adults (€7 for students and senior citizens. €14 per family for a family membership which covers 2 parents and 2 children)
This course is available for anyone aged 12 and above and the Centre reserves the right to postpone the course if the number of 6 applicants is not reached per class.
Application form click here

Membership form click here

For applications please fill out the above forms and send them to